Adventures On The Road.

End of the Season

October 2020

I am pretty convinced that if we had had more than just a week we would have found gold. In saying that, of course finding gold would be good, even the tiniest piece, but just getting out into the bush, the proximity to nature, the peace and quiet, the chance that maybe today we will find a tiny slither or our fortune in gold, just the shear adventure of it all means that we have got many more trips ahead of us.

When we got home, we ordered a GPX5000 which has now arrived and is set up but at this stage unused, just waiting. We have also made another purchase, the Forester can breathe a sigh of relief and stay at home, we shouldn’t have a problem with the bush tracks anymore.

We are not anticipating access issues with this.

Summer is coming and Gold season is over but when Autumn comes you know where you will find us! Well actually, you probably won’t find us unless you have access to our satellite tracker which we can’t give you because that would be telling you where the gold is and that is a secret.

The Forester did its best but it was not built for this.

When I purchased my walking boots, several years ago, metal detectors were not my primary concern. The fact that they have metal eyelets is not, in my opinion, a reason for me to be ridiculed. Debbie, on the other hand refuses to stop reminding me that I should have considered the implications before I brought them with us.


  1. David

    Great to see the blog coming back up 🙂

    • Wayne


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