August 2020

While we agreed that purchasing the entry level Equinox 800 was probably good advise for beginners we felt that if we are serious about finding gold, then we should invest in a professional detector before we head out to the goldfields again. Unfortunately, because travel out of the state was not possible, every man and his dog had taken up gold prospecting for their holidays, there was not a detector to be found for sale anywhere in the state. 

By August, Debbie had taken advantage of some more prospecting courses run by APLA and we were keen to hit the road again. We decide to hire a Minelab GPX5000 just like the “Aussie Gold Hunters” use on tv and we were off again. This time we were heading to a productive area a couple of hours north west of Kal.

Again this tenement was well off the beaten track and our trusty Forester could get us close but not quite where we wanted to go. It meant a walk of a couple of klms. each day to get us to our target area.

The GPX made an incredible difference and we were able to identify targets within minutes. We continued to use the Equinox but ran the GPX over each target to decide if they were worth pursuing. We were really rocking and rolling now, how could we not find gold this time?