January 2020

Our metal detector worked as advertised and found us plenty of metal. When you look around you think you are in pristine bush land but we found plenty of evidence to suggest that we where not the first people to venture to these parts. We found bullet cases, nails, old rusty knifes, bits of old horseshoe but no gold. We encountered hot rocks for the first time and I now know them to be a regular thorn in the prospectors side.

The mornings and evenings were spectacular BUT talk about “mad dogs and Englishmen”, the middle of the day was unbearable. It reached over 40 degrees on our first two days and with only our tent and awning for shade it was too much. We didn’t want to cut our holiday short so we booked into a hotel in Kal (Kalgoorlie) and spent New Year’s Eve visiting as many pubs along Hannon Street as we could. We ended up in the Criterion Hotel watching the locals strutting their stuff, singing karaoke, a night never to be forgotten.

We didn’t find gold but I knew that we would be back.